By Being A Difference

Sunday, February 2, 2014

An Experience at Your Wish is My App - Nokia Indiblogger Meet 2

It is always a great time to be there in an Indiblogger meet. This was my 3rd meet and i am very delighted to share a bit of my experience with world.

This was my 3rd meet as i mentioned above, and Nokia it was.... that came up with Indiblogger  with such a great time for all the fellow bloggers. Gadget Guru Mr. Rajiv Makhni, Mr. Vishal Gondal and a great Chef Vikas Khanna, together made our eve..

At #YWMA we were asked for an App idea that would make a difference in the World of Smartphone applications. And Nokia would come up to work on that idea to make it a live app.

So here it is... My idea for an App.

People have become so lazy and so much into dependencies that they do not spare time for their health. Everyone is so dependent on their Smartphones that people now can't imagine their lives without it.

Despite of being unaware about the negative smartphones through on people's mind and much more on the growing generation. An article published in TOI described that how use of smartphones had been a reason for sleepless and restless nights, and excessive gaming resulted in slow brain development in the young and growing kids. To avoid and prevent this.... I would suggest Nokia an idea

My Idea

There should be an App that acts live a real time Doctor. When using the best provided apps on smartphones...people don't realize the time spent... this app running in background will alert people if they have used their smartphone in access and it could now effect their eyes and brain. to prevent using their phones untill or unless it is very important. People are health conscious but they lack time.. This app will at least  alert them to prevent the consequences.

Its just an Idea that would be very useful if converted into an app. 
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